Saturday 6 November 2010

Tonight's the Night baby....

Big fire tonight: A brilliant social way to get rid of all the foliage we've cut from the garden during the year, the bonfire is approximately 25 ft high now. Plus, a kind farmer has a trailer-load of his rubbish that he will add to the pile before he helps us to push over countless tree stumps with his tractor or low-loader. They too can be dumped on top. He's going to shake the bonfire too, to scare any creatures out. I'm predicting a burn for a week!

I captured the bonfire a week ago, arced by a rainbow. Unfortunately the pot of gold was just out of our fields. Boo hiss.


  1. Fantastic photo! Thanks for the comment, I was beginning to think that there was something wrong with my blog comment box-

  2. Oh nowe I can not wait to see it all lit up

  3. Brilliant photo! Having a catch up will get round to the novel in a few monments...think you are bonkers but then again say that every year to those brave/foolish enough to do it (secretly though in great admiration!;)


The Archers at The Larches

Lou - Chicken whisperer....

Lou - Chicken whisperer....

Snowy and Moon

Snowy and Moon