Tuesday 13 March 2012

And the winner is.....

The gorgeous, the wonderful, the funny, the..... wait a minute, I haven't told you what I'm wearing....

Well, as it's an awards ceremony I thought I'd wear something spesh. So, (I've still got the wellingtons on, obviously! and the jeans - c'mon, I'm working here,) for you, dear reader, I'm wearing my wedding tiara, all golden (wire,) cut glass and pearl Princessy, 'you doooo like me,' ... The chickens are seriously impressed.

....Drum roll please,

And the winner of the jam is............ Man of the 50's.... Yeahhhhhh!

If you've never read him, please do so NOW... go on, now! Scam! Check out some of his older posts, they are sooooo on the nail.

[Mr Man, send your address please c/o familyarcher@hotmail.co.uk and I will mail your yummy prize]


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