Friday, 4 November 2011

Coming Home.... The Kodak Big App Challenge.

We have rather a long school run each day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. The morning run is a real delight, we catch up on homework; spellings, times tables and we sing, (particularly requested is Cee Lo Green's Forget You, the clean version!)

On the way home it's a little more demur. Some days John Humphrys, Jim Naughtie, Evan Davis, Justin Webb or Sarah Montague accompany me home and I catch up on world events rather than my lyrics.

Other days I take the time to look out and see the seasons change.

The picture above was taken last October. It's the last stretch of open road before I'm home over the hill in the far distance. Sometimes there are cows grazing, crossing the road at minimal speed, sometimes there are sheep but always present are the tarty male pheasants and the little partridges with their pretty red eye makeup. It's a busy road therefore, but not with cars, so you need to take it easy and stick to 30mph.

I like this picture and the calm it brings me.

This is the picture I'd like to enter for the Kodak Big App Challenge. Hope you agree.


  1. Oooh, I like this one, cool contrasting colours.

  2. Love the road pictures. I'm going to try several travel pics - I love the sweeping vistas done big.

  3. That's beautiful! And yes, long school runs do have their blessings. Good for you for making the most of it! x

  4. A Modern Mother: I sometimes think it looks like another country, rather than good old Blighty. Not sure where though.

    Jennifer Howze: Me too.... feel like skiving today and watching Horse Whisperer.. all that expanse of Montana ..... and all that expanse of Robert Redford. [Gosh, come over all unnecessary]

    Michelloui: Mind you when I had a flat tyre earlier in the week I wasn't so tickety-boo about the diatance!

  5. A wonderful photo but you might want to sneak in the profile one of you and adorable child and large erm squirrel ? Seriously great great image xx

  6. Belgravia Wife - sort of: Don't be ridiculous..... where would I get a giant squirrel from?.... honestly!

  7. Gorgeous! I miss our country drives (am expat still hanging onto our old village house) and am all homesick now! You have so many great pictures here - and I love your description of blogging to make time stand still.

  8. Hi Lou, just wanted to let you know there’s a new Kodak challenge going, with two new printers/ink to be won for all you drafty mums. All you have to do is post about a photo printer craft, or post a pic you’d love to use in a printer craft. More info here: Hope you can enter. Good luck! -susanna


The Archers at The Larches

Lou - Chicken whisperer....

Lou - Chicken whisperer....

Snowy and Moon

Snowy and Moon