Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Alpaca Handling... for beginners


It seems inconceivable that our alpacas arrived almost two months ago. I know, I know, I should be blogging more but life just gets in the way. Sorry.

I must confess that for the first three weeks of their arrival I was in shock. I felt as if I'd just gained two new step-children, from Peru, without being able to speak their language, (though they actually came from Herefordshire.) However, since my attendance at Toft Alpacas Husbandry Workshop I'm a changed woman.

Bearing in mind that both our girls, Annabel and Bracken, are pregnant we hadn't really attempted to catch them to halter them, plus I was more than a little intimidated: The largest animals we've ever owned are 3 big fat sheeps and they don't tend to look you in the eye.

Toft Alpacas in Warwickshire is the most glorious place if you are even considering owning alpacas, actually it's a great place for a fun day out with the family even if you don't feel the need to bundle a cria (baby) into the boot of your car and drive off. #illegalBTW. Do check the website for open days or call in advance of a visit.

Shirley and Rob Bettinson of Toft Alpaca


  1. My friend and neighbour has around 20 alpaca, all of whom are just gorgeous. I hope you get on ok with the babies when they arrive, looking forward to seeing pictures.

  2. So looking forward to reading about the arrival of the crias (such an unusual word, isn't it?). Suddenly our sheep seem very dull!


The Archers at The Larches

Lou - Chicken whisperer....

Lou - Chicken whisperer....

Snowy and Moon

Snowy and Moon