Thursday 24 June 2010

The Family Bathroom.... also R.I.P 2011 I hope

Mind you, if you want to see a REALLY scary bathroom you need to click here!!!!


  1. At least yours is white,shiny and looks good. When we moved into our, we had the same tub in OLIVE GREEN. x

  2. Mother Hen: OLIVE GREEN? House owners in the 1970's must have done way too many recreational substances in the 1960's!

    Actually our tub wasn't shiny or white when we moved in.... all white surfaces were brown and all porcelain had stuff growing on it!!! Euwwww... cost a fortune in Milton Fluid..

  3. Wow! I think both your bathrooms are fab and looks massive compared with ours. I couldn't imagine having anything looking as new and shiny as that!

    We have a teeny 1930s bathroom where if you sit on the loo and someone opens the door you are wacked in the knees! When we moved in it was painted in blue gloss. Even though we repainted it red, nothing appears to stick on this original coat of super shiny stuff and several years on the red layer is peeling.

    But we do have an original 1930s bath which is lovely and big, and original tiling, which although blackened and cracked and fungal infested certainly gives an authentic feel.

  4. I cannot post a picture of my bathroom for 2 reasons: I cannot post pictures full stop because I am thick and IF I could I would have the Local Authority down here to take the children away faster than it takes the mice to run from below the bath up the corridor to the cupboard under the stairs. See? Even the rodents want to get the hell outta there! Previous layers of black mould around the bath edge have been 'clear' plasticated over the top - so why worry about 'new' black mould?

    The only thing good about the bathroom is that it doesn't house the rancid toilet. That's next door and if it rains the delightful green carpet turns a delightful brown. The agency 'look' at it now and again.......... and that's as far as they ever get. About anything.

    I must stop reading blogs and get back on the Property to Rent sites again.

    Feeling better about your bathroom now? I should hope so! Khuhhh....

  5. Big Mamma Frog: Sorry to hear about your knees! Yes, I am an ungrateful wretch but, in my defence (weak but I'll have a go!) the ensuite IS a crime against taste and it also has a very disconcerting smell which we thought was toasted rat, but isn't.... The little bathroom (ok, little for THIS house..) looks bigger in the photo than it actually is, plus the tower houses a crucifix structure in the open ceiling and no radiators... very chilly on the willy and girly bits in winter... You're still not convinced are you?

    MadameSmokinGun: When you say the 'agency,' I'm presuming you work for the CIA? Funny that coz I assumed you were Bri'ish.

    I agree your bathroom and seperate loo sound marginally worse than mine, and yes I do feel slightly better. Thank you. I suggest you trawl ebay in 2011 where you'll be able to bid on my bathrooms... never know, you might be able to pick them up for .99p! ('post and packaging may be considerably more' she hastily added in case of untold litigious comments later!!!)


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