As I appear to be forced to educate my children at home, I am wondering whether there are any 'valuable life lessons' in the movie Ratatouille. Disney Home Education - brilliant!
We did try to get to school, believe me WE TRIED! Up at 6.40am, dressed in uniform, school bags, PE kits bulging, shoes in bags and wellingtons on we crunched to the car. Funnily enough it was husband who seemed more determined to get everything back on track. I was resigned to the fact that we were doomed.
Last night I looked out the window. It was melting, it hadn't snowed, my life would be back tomorrow. No more relentless catering, yeah! But the snow pixies heard me and dumped a load of white stuff when I was trying to sleep. I say trying to sleep because the five year old has been relentless in this cold snap. He knows where the warmth is and it's in mummy and daddy's bed. He arrives almost every night at an ungodly hour. Sometimes we are so tired we don't notice his lovliness wiggling in. We wake to blond curls and the loving phrase 'Phew-ee your breath smells.' Bless.
Grizzly Adams (Aka The Husband) has decreed that 'regardless of the bloody weather' he is going to work tomorrow and we are going to school. Therefore, the family (enforced labour more like) are being tasked with removing the offending snow-drift from the 50 yard concrete driveway. This will occur immediately after lunch. Ha, I have a plan. Lunch is going to be a gastro feast, Heston-like, I am going to serve 15 courses and alcohol!
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