On Saturday we explored Ludlow - to be highly recommended. The farmers market stalls oozed cheeses, olives and scrummy meats, although the hand-knits seemed wholly inappropriate for the heat-wave. We ate ice-creams and I brazenly stripped off jeans, football sox and boots to reveal milk-bottle legs which I dabbled in icy river water in a really successful quest for fishies. The kids finally prised their fishing net from my cold wet grasp - spoil sports!
The only bit I'm regretting now is the climb to the top of Ludlow Castle. http://www.ludlowcastle.com/ Oh. My. God! I have hurt muscles I never even knew I had, my legs and bottom are killing me! I now know that I would have been a rubbish servant girl in the olden-days. I could NOT have run up and down those stairs all day fetching and carrying. No sir-eee. I'd have been fired from my position (or thrown in the danky-dungeon or drowned as a witch probably) for putting my hands on my generous hips and saying 'Sod off you lazy git, get it yer bloody self!'
Prosecco warm weather and weekend down by the river..hmm sounds excellent!
ReplyDeleteDid you happen to have any sort of apparitional experience in the tower of the two princes? and if you did how long did it take you to reach the bottom of the stairwell?
Oh yes the weather, it was great even in the dark frozen north!!
ReplyDeleteNatural Selection: No Princes sadly just lots and lots of steps! Please inform the medical community that the anaesthetic called Prosecco does not work as a muscle relaxant.
ReplyDeleteThe MadHouse: More warm please, lovin' it...apparently more ordered for this weekend!
The castle looks awesome!