I got tired trying to fight an enormous root that is seriously hindering my digging. I need hubby and Dizzy (but hubby's still asleep,) so I took a stroll.
Imagine my horror when I found three little fairy wings.

Do fairies shed wings at this time of year or has there been a murder? Are dark forces alive and well in my garden? Please, if you have any ideas, send them through the blogisphere now..... we must save the fairies..... Oh I've come over all 'Arthur and the Invisibles'....
Lou, Take them to the nearest willow tree, sprinkle them with sugar, spin around three times, once for each wing and gently lay them under the tree for the fairie princesses to take back to their homes. They are very much prince wings as they are so dark.
ReplyDeleteThat is what my daughter and I used to do anyway. This time of year there are a lot of fairie wings floating around, especially near rivers.
Good luck. x
Mother Hen: Will do. I don't have a willow tree, but will get one, however, in the meantime I will sneak into the tree farm close by and seek one out! Good tip.
ReplyDeleteWonder who mullered the Prince?
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog.That was one of the nicest compliments anyone has ever given me. As for the wings,I suspect Gnomes. A young one, no older than 200 or 300. I hope no one was hurt, just de-winged. Perhaps Mother Hen has the right idea to get them back to their rightful owners.(Isn't it fun to stop playing adult for a moment?)
ReplyDeleteI would do as mother hen tells you, but please do a VLOG!!
ReplyDeleteJames: Gnomes, good point! We have those red spotty toadstools, so you could be right. Will definately follow Mother Hen's advise, have bought a fairy outfit for the occassion.
ReplyDeleteThe MadHouse: No way hosay! No VLOG!
Oh dear, I've got visions of a lickle fairy flying round in circles as she only has one wing left! S x
ReplyDeleteOh no - I hope it wasn't murder most foul! Great idea from Mother Hen - my little fairy princess would approve.
ReplyDeleteYou're so ambitious, getting up early. I should be more like you. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen the rose garden project is completed, please post some pictures.
Those are offerings for the tooth fairy! :-D
ReplyDeleteSmiffy: Will keep a net handy in case I see her and she looks dizzy!
ReplyDelete'Cross the Pond: Maybe the gnomes are being a bit wicked and pulling the wings off unsuspecting fairies... I've left a note in the garden threatening to kick over their toadstools if they don't stop.
Brenda: Getting up early is the only time I get peace....
Technodoll: Tooth Fairy popped over last night to visit the 7yo and I explained the issue. She has said that the offerings of Royal fairy wings was outlawed in the 1978 Fairy Handbook on Health and Safety grounds. It was considered cruel, even though Royal fairy wings grow back almost immediately.
She too suspects foul play!!
I suspect poor prince was making to dazzling a display with his electric blue or maybe green outfit: life is hazardous for fairies!
ReplyDeleteWell, our West Country faeries always shed their wings at this time of year. It's all because of the Summer Solstice. They need much lighter ones now that it's officially summertime. Perhaps you had a Wiltshire Wanderer passing your way and she inadvertently shed those wings without thinking that it might be mistaken for foul play in an area not used to the shedding of faerie wings?
ReplyDeleteTattie: Oh yes, tis the season for men showing off...... all that football's gone to their heads.
ReplyDeleteFairy boys play football too y'know: They use unripened cherries and it's a bit keepy-uppy- like, all played in the air like Quiddich. First team to drop the ball, so to speak, loses!
Previously (Very) Lost in France: Oh I do hope it was a shedding or is it a shedfall... (what is the correct use of that verb?) They were quite heavy duty, winter wings you think?